本公司成立於 2014 年,工廠位於台灣屏東縣行政院農業委員會轄下的農業生物科技園區內,我們致力於微生物的應用,並研發出多款產品推廣於農業及水產養殖上,我們的產品具有以下優勢:

Founded in 2014, our company has ever since been completely devoted to the practical application of microorganisms. Located in Ping-tung Agricultural Biotechnology Park under the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., we have already developed and promoted a wide variety of products for usage in both Agriculture and Aquaculture. Our products possess the following advantages:
1. The bacteria we filtered can survive wide-range temperature.
2. The food-grade unique formula we provided can create the most active bacteria.
3. The group of bacteria we integrated can provide the best multiple symbiosis.
As such, using our products grants the following assets:
— Within the agricultural series, increased plant resistance against both environmental hardship and pest infestations can be expected, along with the now enhanced plant quality and yield.
— Within the Aquacultural series, the growth, immunity, and resistance against harsh temperatures along with diseases are all bolstered within your aquatic organisms. We successfully bring beneficial economic options to the everyday farmer.
In recent years, severe environmental pollution has led to the increasing occurrence of extreme weather events all around the world. Both the agricultural and aquacultural industries have found themselves mired in a bog of declining product quality and yields due to the numerous setbacks from global warming. And yet while this is happening, large quantities of chemicals such as antibiotics and growth hormones have become wildly misused as well, coming around to bite humanity in the back when it cycles into our consumption within the food cycle bringing about a plethora of diseases to the modern person. With our understanding of the instrumental role of the food chain, we believe that food safety starts from the basis of agricultural practices. Thus we aspire to rebuild proper cultivation, aquaculture, as well as husbandry, reverting back to mother nature from the roots up, using completely natural products based upon microorganisms to help farmers produce foods that are both healthy and harmless to the environment, restoring foods back to the embrace of Mother Nature.
Hence, our vision is thus: To practice the utmost expertise within the application of microorganisms, to employ biotechnology to rebuild a healthy food chain, and to rediscover fresh food products that our consumers can trust. Here at Symlong Bio-Tech we respect the professionalism of our employees and teams who strive each day to develop a wide multitude of useful products. We look forward to global partnership with supply chains all around the world to gain mutual benefit, and become the driving force behind the production of trustworthy, healthy foods.
